
Admit it, you jumped when your read the title, didn’t you?

No need to be frightened. This boo is Boo, who used to write for the Su Casa Blog, and who is now flying solo in the blogging world, courtesy of her own Bare Babble Blog (try saying that after two small sherries!) and (un)covering RL, as opposed to SL, naturist activity. Hopefully, though, there’ll be some cross-fertilisation between the two worlds. And why not? SLN takes such an editorial line, keeping a keen eye for RL naturist events that we hopefully can reflect within SL.

And talking of Su Casa…here’s a recent photo of yours truly over there, enjoying an al fresco shower provided by its waterfall.

pookes su casa_001b


Anyway, may we take this opportunity to wish Boo every success in the blogging world, and encourage our readers to bookmark her site and check back often. Best wishes from all of us at SLN, Boo.





2 thoughts on “Boo!

  1. POOKES!! I think that has about the same affect as yelling BOO!! LOL I actually get people yelling that at me all the time!! Anyway….Just wanted to thank you for the kind words. I’m not sure how you found my new blog Bare Babble & Banter, but I’m happy you did!! Thanks again for the recognition!

  2. Boo,

    Pookes has the same editing rights as myself on the blog, so she (and I) can see click-throughs, as in which sites our audience arrived from on a day to day basis. So Pookes will have seen your site listed (as I’ve also just seen), and I’m guessing that it probably turned up via your own reference to the Su Casa blog.

    I certainly find it an interesting tool, as it does allow me to consider where our audience is coming from, and what may interest them, so I can tweak the blog content to reflect that, always keeping a clear vision on the SL naturist brief.

    Let me put it this way; there are some sites whose content has no proper reflection on what we try to achieve on THIS blog 🙂

    I’ve certainly mentioned this to Pookes in editorial meetings (i.e. IMs or emails between us) but I had no idea she was paying THAT close attention to what I was saying. 😉

    I should also add that we can also see what hyperlinks on SLN are the most popular on a day to day basis, and I can see that several readers have subsequently clicked on through to Bare Babble.

    I wish you every success with your new blogging adventure and we’ll certainly be ‘following’ your new adventure. It’s also refreshing to note that as many of the ‘tags’ we apply to the posts reflect in world activity as much as real life naturism, which provides a clear indication that (I’m glad to say) people read us for the virtual content just as readily as they might be surfing for RL naturist content.


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